FAQs for Clients
Does it hurt?
SofTap is the gentlest method you will find for implanting permanent color into the skin. The sensation is said to be similar to tweezing on the brows; however we often use, and highly recommend using topical anesthetics to eliminate/reduce any discomfort as well as put your nerves at ease.
How much does it cost?
Prices vary depending on the expertise of the professional, the type of work, and the circumstances surrounding your individual case. If you want straightforward procedures such as eyeliner, eyebrows, or lips done by an experienced professional, expect to pay several hundred dollars. If you want extensive camouflage and shape correction done by a master in the field, expect to pay a few thousand dollars.
How long does the procedure take?
This depends a lot on the type of work you are having done. Simple procedures with basic fills, eyelash enhancements, and straightforward lip liner each take a little under an hour. More complicated work such as thick eyeliner, eyebrows with hair strokes, and full lips take about two hours. Extremely difficult procedures will probably take more time and be broken up into several appointments (scar camouflage, correction, scalp pigmentation etc.)
How long does it last?
This depends on the color and style you have chosen. If you choose a subtle, light color and application, expect to need a touch up after one year. If you choose a medium color and application, your color will last 2-5 years before needing a touch up. Very dark colors and applications may last forever—but we recommend that you choose a lighter application of dark color for a more natural look—this would require a touch up every 2-5 years.
Will I need a touch up?
Most likely. Light color and light applications need touch ups to stay looking natural. Medium applications need fewer touch ups, but you still need them. If you have a very dark color implanted deeply in your skin, you may never need a touch up. We recommend a lighter color and more touch ups for a more natural look.
Why do I need a touch up if this is permanent?
Because color is implanted in the facial area there tends to be more fluid circulation than other parts of the body. Your face sees the most wear of any piece of you—exposure to the sun, food, facial products—the list goes on and on. All of these things cause permanent color to fade, this is why you need a touch up.
Why does color flake off during the healing process?
This can happen for a number of reasons, but it usually has to do with skin type. Older skin, more weathered skin, and drier skin may flake color off during the healing process. There should be retained pigment underneath flaking areas after the skin has healed, if not, these areas may need to be filled in on the touch-up. **Note: flaking is a normal part of the healing process.
Will I be swollen?
If you have sensitive skin you may see your eyebrows swell a somewhat. Swelling is normal and expected for lip and eyeliner procedures. We recommend ice packs for a few hours after these procedures to minimize swelling. Swelling is most apparent the first two mornings after your procedure and usually begins to reduce after that.
Why does my pmu look so dark during the healing process?
This is a result of the natural oxidation process that takes place in the skin once pigment has been implanted. The color reacts slowly with oxygen in the air, turning it darker. This is a completely natural and normal occurrence for our pigments and all pmu. Once the skin goes through the first week of healing the dark pigment on the surface will flake off and the pigment in the skin will remain at a much softer level.
How can I extend the life of my procedure?
Your permanent makeup will last longer if you follow proper aftercare, keep it out of the sun, are not often exposed to pool chemicals, and do not use harsh cleansing products on the treatment area.
Should I prepare before the procedure?
If you are sensitive, take some Tylenol approximately one hour prior to your procedure. Do not take aspirin as this promotes bleeding. If you are having your eyeliner done, refrain from wearing contact lenses and eye makeup, conventional eye makeup may leave residue and make the procedure more difficult. If you have ever had a cold sore contact your GP for medication to take prior to a lip procedure.
Do I get a say in how my makeup is done?
Of course. Your SofTap professional wouldn’t dream of giving you a design you didn’t want. This is a process in which the both of you work together to find what works for you—after all it is for you!
I don’t want it to look harsh, what should I do?
Bring a picture of brows, eyes, or lips that you love—like a magazine cutout or a picture of a friend. Show or tell your professional what your goals are for the final result, and they will do their utmost to help you get your desired look. SofTap is not a harsh process; the SofTap hand method always produces completely natural results.
Is there any reason why I shouldn’t get it done?
There are a few cases (medical conditions, medication etc.) where permanent makeup may not be right or possible for you. Most of the cases that make you ineligible have to do with your ability to heal, your risk of infection, or risk of bleeding. Ask your SofTap professional about your case at your consultation.
I’m pregnant (or nursing), can I get permanent makeup?
If you are pregnant or nursing, your body and your baby are more susceptible to any kind of infection. Wait until you are finished nursing before you get permanent makeup done. Alternatively, if you are not pregnant, but may be in the near future, come in for a consultation—it can be a real relief to know that you look great at any time of your pregnancy.
When can I resume normal activity, exercising, gardening, etc?
Most normal activities can be resumed right away. Heavy exercise should be avoided for at least a week for best results—any sweat formed on your brows can fade your healing color. Swimming should be on hold for at least a week, pool chemicals would erode your healing color as well. Outdoors activities such as gardening or golf can be resumed as long as your treatment area remains clean, dry, and out of the sun. For best results do not expose your procedure to any unnecessary wear or germs during the first delicate week of healing.
Can I get an MRI?
Yes, you can absolutely get an MRI after having pmu; however, it is necessary that you inform your Dr & MRI technician that you have had pmu and wear your pmu is located. About 1 in 1000 people may experience a warming, stinging, or burning sensation at the site of their pmu (especially within the first 3 months after your procedure). Although it is rare, your MRI technician may need to make adjustments to their scan protocols to minimize the risk of sensation and to view the scan area properly.
I already have permanent makeup and I want to change the shape, can you help?
Yes, changes to your old design can be made by an experienced SofTap professional, see someone in your area for a personal consultation.
I already have permanent makeup and I want to change the color, can you help?
Yes, color changes are common. See your SofTap professional for a consultation and to discuss your new color.
Can it be removed?
Yes, but removal is a complicated and often expensive process. Small removals and corrections can be done with SofTap, but if you want a complete removal you should see a laser specialist.
FAQs for Professionals
Where can I learn SofTap?
You can start your education with our online courses at www.softaptraining.com, these are economical and a great way to tap into the world of SofTap! If you're ready to dive into hands-on training you can locate an Official Trainer here.
How do I get certified in my state?
Every state is different when it comes to laws regarding permanent makeup. Often information is available within your county’s health department; this is who we recommend you contact first to determine their requirements for license. In general, most counties require you to obtain a Body Art License in order to legally practice pmu. Body Art Licenses usually require bloodborne pathogens training, an infection control plan to keep at your facility, a detailed facility inspection, and a fee.
I use a machine method; can I still learn the SofTap hand method?
Yes, the hand method is a great option and a useful skill for all permanent cosmetic professionals! Some may find the hand method more comfortable for certain procedures (such as eyeliner or hair stroke eyebrows) or days where access to a machine is difficult. SofTap is also a great option for clients with more sensitive skin, or that have certain health conditions.
I use a machine method; can I still use SofTap pigments?
Yes, our pigments are compatible with all pmu devices. Some machine users may find the consistency of SofTap pigments a little too thick, if this is the case for your machine you may dilute the pigment with a few drops of distilled water or SofTap dilution solution.
Can SofTap implant color as deep as a machine?
Yes! A common misconception is that the hand method cannot implant color as deeply, but in fact we can go just as deep as any other method. The hand method is used to go even deeper than machines in correction procedures where machine implanted ink needs to be adjusted. Having said that, SofTap can also be implanted very shallowly - full control is in the hands of the artist!
How do I know what color to choose?
See our detailed Color Guide for information on color theory and some tips for choosing color.
How do I know which needle configurations to use?
See our Quick Needle Guide for some tips on selecting needles.
What is the shelf life of SofTap pigments?
Each pigment has an expiration date stamped into the seal at the top of the package; this is usually three years after the purchase date.
How often should I refresh a client’s color?
This varies between clients and technicians, colors, and techniques. In general, in order to keep permanent makeup looking fresh and natural, we recommend a touch-up every 1-2 years for light brows and eyeliner, every 3-5 years for medium brows and dark eyeliner, and 3-5 years for lips (lips usually retain color very well once they are successfully implanted and may need not need a touch-up for 5 years or more).
Is BlockAid safe to use for anesthetizing the eyeliner area?
Yes, BlockAid can be applied near the lash line, but under no circumstances should you allow the anesthetic to get into the eye. If anesthetic gets into the eye, flush with plenty of water/eye drops for several minutes. Always ask your client if they feel any burning sensation that might indicate that anesthetic is leaking into the eye area.
Is Minnerva II safe to use for anesthetizing the eyeliner area?
Yes, Minnerva II can be applied near the lash line, but under no circumstances should you allow the anesthetic to get into the eye. If anesthetic gets into the eye, flush with plenty of water/eye drops for several minutes. Always ask your client if they feel any burning sensation that might indicate that anesthetic is leaking into the eye area.
Is Lightning safe to use in the eyeliner area?
Yes, Lightning can be applied in this area, but under no circumstances should you allow Lightning to get into the eye. If Lightning gets into the eye, flush with plenty of water/eye drops for several minutes. Always ask your client if they feel any burning sensation that might indicate that Lightning is leaking into the eye area.
I used Lightning as directed, but the treatment area just turned darker and didn’t come off. What should I do?
Sometimes Lightning takes pigment out instantly, and sometimes it turns the area darker at first. This is nothing to worry about. This dark area will scab over during the healing process and eventually fall off after a few days, leaving a nice, clean area of skin. Be sure to inform your client not to pick off the scab! This can cause damage to the skin and may disrupt pigment removal.
What can I do to correct a red/orange eyebrow?
Apply Lime-Aid directly over the red/orange brow, and then implant fresh SofTap color right over the treatment area. The Lime-Aid serves to cancel out the red/orange, and the end result will be the new chosen SofTap eyebrow color. If the redness is very severe, you can implant Lime-Aid, wait until this has healed, and then determine whether more is needed before you decide to apply fresh color. If the redness is not severe, consider implanting a SofTap cool palette color to cancel out the faded red and give a natural ash brown. Correction cases vary depending on the severity of the faded color.
What can I do to correct a blue/gray eyebrow?
If the client wishes for warm brown eyebrows, implant Orange-Aid over the blue/gray brows. If the client wishes for ash brown brows, implant Lemon-Aid over the blue/gray brows. Fresh brow color can be implanted directly on top of the treatment area. If the blue has faded, consider just implanting a warm brown such as Caramel over the area. This may be enough to block out the faded blue and give a nice, natural eyebrow color. Conversely, if the blue/gray is very severe, implant Lemon-Aid or Orange-Aid and wait for this first implantation to heal before you implant fresh color. On the second application, you can apply more Lemon-Aid/Orange-Aid before a new brow color if you feel that this is needed. Correction cases vary depending on the severity of the faded color.